On Christmas Eve 1939, the crew of HMS Seahorse met at the Astley Arms in Seaton Sluice, Northumberland. Europe was at war and the the submariners would have been in high spirits ahead of being called back to patrol the North Sea. The crew bought raffle tickets in the pub and Petty Officer Leonard 'Tug' Wilson won a bottle of whisky. As he was unable to take the liquor on board, the landlady Lydia Jackson offered to take care of the prize until he returned.Sadly, the crew never returned, Seahorse was gone. After 32 years of looking after the whisky when she retired she gave it to the Royal Naval Submarine Museum in Gosport. Due to the high loss of the S Boats a poem was written about them you can see that here Ladies and Gentlemen the photographs below are the only ones I've found to date, obviously I can only believe that these pictures actually are the vessels named, if anyone knows any that are wrong please let me know and I will rectify the matter.

The S Boats

HMS Seahorse

HMS Salmon

HMS Sealion

HMS Spearfish

HMS Seraph

HMS Shark

HMS Sterlet